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User:Tian chao

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, I am from Beijing, the capital of China, but right now I live in Vancouver, Canada. I am 14 years old and I am Hanzu, which means Han ethnic group.

I call myself tian1 chao2 天朝 because it means "heaven dynasty" and it is what China calls herself in the past. I love my coutnry, and I think China is a peace loving country and can live happily with other countries in the world, but other countries like Japan, America and India want to tear China apart or make parts of China like Taiwan and Tibet and Xinjiang independent, because they are scared of China getting stronger and they want to make China weak and control her. Japan tries to take the Diaoyutai islands away from China and don't admit the Nanjing massacre which proves it even more. China will never attack anyone but if other people invade China or try to separate China, then China will fight back for sure, just like what China did when Japan invaded China in 1931 to 1945. China is not afraid to go to war against enemies especially those that want to separate Taiwan.

I found Wikipedia when I look for information about kite flying for school. I think Wikipedia is a good idea and I want to contribute too. But there is a big Western bias here and I think that is not very fair. A lot of articles here are written by people who hate China and want to make China separate. I want to contribute so that people outside China can also know about the truth about what happens in China, or else they will believe all of the lies that other people tell them about Taiwan and Tibet.

My English is OK but it is not perfect, so I am sorry if I make any mistakes in grammar.