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Batting statistics

  • At bat (AB). Number of plate appearances, excluding those that result in walks, the batter being hit by a pitch, sacrifices, interference, or obstruction.
  • Batting average (BA, sometimes AVG or Avg.). Hits divided by at bats.
  • Extra-base hit (EBH, EB, or XBH). Number of hits, excluding singles.
  • Fielder's choice (FC).
  • Plate appearance (PA). Number of completed appearances at the plate, regardless of the result.
  • Single, Double, Triple (1B, 2B, 3B). A single is a hit on which a batter safely reaches first base. Doubles and triples are hits on which a batter reaches second base or third base, respectively.
  • Walk, or base on balls (BB or W). Number of times a batter has advanced to first base after being pitched four balls.

  • FC - Fielder's choice (also referred to as 'SH' or 'sacrifice hit') - times reaching base when a fielder chose to try for an out on another runner
  • G/F - Ground ball fly ball ratio - number of ground balls divided by number of fly balls
  • GIDP - Ground into Double play - number of ground balls hit that became double plays
  • H - Hit - times reached base because of a batted, fair ball without error by the defense
  • HBP - Hit by pitch - times touched by a pitch and awarded first base as a result
  • HR - Home run - hits on which the batter successfully touched all four bases, scoring a run and batting in between one and four runs (a home run with four runs batted in – i.e. bases loaded – is a Grand Slam).
  • LOB - Left on base - number of runners not out nor scored at the end of an innning.
  • OBP - On base percentage - times reached base (H + BB + HBP + FC) divided by plate appearances
  • OPS - On-base plus slugging - on-base percentage plus slugging percentage
  • PA - Plate appearance - number of completed batting appearances no matter the result
  • RBI - Run batted in - number of runners who scored due to a batters's action, except when batter grounded into double play or reached on an error
  • SF - Sacrifice fly - number of fly ball outs which allow another runner to score
  • SLG - Slugging percentage - total bases divided by at-bats
  • SO - Strike out (also abbreviated K) - number of times that strike three is taken or swung at and missed, or bunted foul
  • TB - Total bases - one for each single, two for each double, three for each triple, and four for each home run
  • TOB - Times on base - times reaching base as a result of hits, walks and hit by pitches

Baserunning statistics

  • CS - Caught stealing - times tagged out when attempting to steal a base or when picked off
  • SB - Stolen base - number of bases advanced other than on batted balls, walks, or hits by pitch.
  • R - Run - times reached home base legally and safely

Pitching statistics

  • AVG - Opponents batting average - hits allowed divided by at-bats faced
  • BB - Base on balls (also called a "walk") - times pitching four balls, allowing runner to advance to first base
  • BS - Blown save - number of times entering the game in a save situation, and being charged the run which ties the game.
  • CG - Complete game - number of games where player was the only pitcher for his team
  • DIPS - Defense independent pitching statistics - a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness that doesn't include balls in play
  • ER - Earned run - number of runs that did not occur as a result of errors or passed balls
  • ERA - Earned run average - earned runs times innings in a game (usually nine) divided by innings pitched
  • GIR - Games in relief - number of games pitched where player was not the starting pitcher for his team
  • GF - Games finished - number of games pitched where player was the final pitcher for his team
  • GP - Games pitched - number of games in which the player pitched
  • G/F - Ground ball fly ball ratio - ground balls allowed divided by fly balls allowed
  • GS - Games started - number of games pitched where player was the first pitcher for his team
  • H/9 - Hits per nine innings - hits allowed times nine divided by innings pitched
  • HA - Hits Allowed - total hits allowed
  • HB - Hit batsman - times hit a batter with pitch, allowing runner to advance to first base
  • HLD - Hold - number of games entered in a save situation, left in save situation, recorded at least one out, and not having surrendered the lead
  • IBB - Intentional base on balls
  • IRA - Inherited runs allowed - number of runners allowed to score who were on base when pitcher enters the game
  • IP - Innings pitched - number of outs recorded while pitching divided by three
  • R/9 - Runs per nine innings - number of runs allowed times nine divided by innings pitched
  • SHO - Shutout - number of complete games having allowed zero runs
  • SO - Strikeout (also abbreviated K) - number of batters who received strike three
  • SO/9 - Strikeouts per nine innings - strikeouts times nine divided by innings pitched
  • SO/BB - Strikeout-to-walk ratio - number of strikeouts divided by number of base on balls
  • SV - Save - number of close games finished where the pitcher's team won
  • TBF - Total batters faced - opponent's total plate appearances
  • W - Win - number of games where pitcher was pitching while his team took the lead and went on to win (also related: winning percentage)
  • L - Loss - number of games where pitcher was pitching while the opposing team took the lead and went on to win
  • W+S - Relief wins plus saves - wins plus saves
  • WHIP - Walks plus hits per inning pitched - bases on balls plus hits divided by innings pitched
  • W/9 - Walks per nine innings - bases on balls times nine divided by innings pitched

See also

Fielding statistics

  • A - Assists - number of outs recorded on a play where a fielder touched the ball, except if such touching is the putout
  • CS - Caught stealing - number of times a runner was thrown out by the catcher while attempting to advance on a pitch
  • DP - Double plays - one for each double play during which the fielder recorded a putout or an assist.
  • E - Errors - number of times a fielder fails to make a play he should have made with common effort, and the offense benefits as a result
  • FP - Fielding percentage - total plays (chances minus errors) divided by the number of total chances
  • INN - Innings - number of innings that a player is at one certain position
  • PB - Passed ball - error charged to the catcher that occurs when the ball is dropped and one or more runners advance
  • PO - Putout - number of times the fielder tags, forces, or appeals a runner and he is called out as a result
  • RF - Range Factor - ((putouts + assists)*9)/innings played. Used to determine the amount of field that the player can cover
  • SB - Stolen bases - number of times a runner advanced on the pitch without being thrown out by the catcher
  • TC - Total chances - assists plus putouts plus errors
  • TP - Triple play - one for each triple play during which the fielder recorded a putout or an assist

General statistics

  • G - Games played - number of games where the player played, in whole or in part
  • WW - "Wasn't Watching" - used by non-official scorekeepers when their attention is distracted from the game - said to have been invented by Phil Rizzuto