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log#092204 Followup#4 0926 0247 Reading Burma, okay Mymar. 1) In the 1950's were were taught in school when in rangoon ever six months, that Burma was the world's greatest producer of rice. At Boarding School ENcyclopedia this was confirmed in the early 1960's. 2) Joe McClugan, a texan for Uncle Ben's Rice was the leading Rice Specialist in Burma of my childhood, lived at the same compound at #48 Golden Valley Road. Was often up at Plecu Base Camp with the #2 man at the Embassy Residence. (Ambassador McCongine, who Drew me out with his daughter Drew.) 3) Burma is shrinking I see demographically due to aids, low birth rate and migration. Even then it had a very very small population pool under U Nu who I knew as his lap kid up the street personally, with a very very large land, largest per capita of population much much less than gigantic land space; so such only country in Asia with enormus very very rich land in resources and tiny tiny population pool. It continues to shrink in a standing defense Army capacity. So I see it coming sir. Must be treaty over our heads. I mind my own business. 4) My step dad Walter contracted to CIA through NY Tams McCarthy and Stratton was finishing the last civil engineering plumb bob meansurements of the Burma Road area, Burmese Rail road. India flourished railroad wise (+) Burma floundered and shrank: (-). But the engineering is complete to blue print. When I asked Global Files about the "Burmese Railroad", they answered with Ballistic Missle plans of the USAF SEATO Command. So I read their message sir. Mandalay: Beef/Pork Eating Buddhists (+) Rangoon: Vegetarian with neurotic IQ about cheating eating chicken or fish: If you catch a fish put it on the bank (+)

    If you don't catch a fish, eat rice and Starve! (-)
    If the fish flips flippant (+-) See if it dies on food bank.
    If the fish flips heads and heads water, let it and Starve Faithful Buddhist! (-+)
   It does all the time, all the mind, it's always published. What do ya want? (++) Win/Win.
   DENIED! (- -)
  Yeah, I'm laid back in sixes sir. What da ya want from me, huh? Say your grandmother is a greenie?  Your baby brother does not control his weenie? Say your sister does not know how to see her's? And your wife just cut off yours in Freudian envy? Is that your problem buddy?  Eh? Vote Bush, huh?
   Seriously serious of course, absolutely! Certainly! Indeed! Naturally! Serious about being serious seriously serious as they came serious come serious, feel seriously.
   Nothern Burma is not NOrth Vietnam, is not North Korea sir. Norther Burma yet slaughters beef and Rangoon hates Hindu's who eat Pork/sheep/lamb/fish and poltry.
    So In 1959: Eyewitness, not 1962 Revisionism sir, U Nu was taken over by the Ne Win Socialist Revolution with tanks all over Golden Valley Road, and one local dead Hindu. I showed him to Walter. Walter picked up his head by the hair, and I recognized the old man. Walter told me I did not sir. (-). Next week we were at Hong Cong all kicked out, taking a six month tour from Orient to Europe, high times sir.
  Hindu's invented Mohamadtin Bread, the forerunner of the Pizza Hut Pizza if you ever had both sir, talanted secret cooks in Rangoon sir, back then. They fed US like North Vietnamese Chefs.
 So I was disallowed Vietnam service, and got mad as hell at Senator Goldwater for not allowing me, but obeyed sir. So? You need IQ ID's for Iraq?
   Suggestion: First read "US Scrabble Gaming from Scrambled Chaos." 2nd Edition of about 10 more editions at my age. As relevant as you train the original seed sir, still seeding way way advanced of you guys. You don't even understand Ciber Angles in Ciber Space on the six sided Cartesian or DICE Laws of Mendel over Malthus. Sir.
 Copyrights? You want copyrights? You brought up the subject sir. It does not matter if you bring up yes or no, yea or nay, pro or con sir. You brought up the subject sir. I did not. Who are you to me sir?  Good Question for this page does not even answer itself as usual, and secondly does not submit. I don't even know wherest it goest sir.
   High Latin (+)
   Low Latin (-)
   Pig Latin (+-)
   Speak Easy (-+)
   North Korean (++)
   Old Saigon turning St. Petersberg? (--)

Respectfully sir/ma'am. Oden out. Not out of mind sir.

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