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User talk:Casey Emerson

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Insults welcomed, with tears. I'm interested in Romanitic thought and some other things. I'm a big Emerson fan as you might have guessed. I'm not a very good writer so I'll try to edit mostly on the edges and pollish only a little with corrections. I have nothing but respect for someone who writes an original article and will try to approach the articles themselves with the same degree of respect. Maybe after some practice I'll feel comfortable working on a whole article. I'm a male, Twenty-One year old, student, from Maryland. Ahem, Go Skins.

Anne Rice Article Idea....


Casey, welcome to wikipedia! Let me welcome you and say I agree with your thoughts on the talamasca page. I think that it would be a fantastic page and although I cannot say that I remember enough of the books to really do a good job with them, I think that there is more than enough there to go on. Currently, I am just trying to get through the books that I do remember and write a synopsis for each...but perhaps I will throw in an article for this. what are you studying?--Jpittman 01:42, 2 Oct 2004 (UTC)